Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The State of Things

Alright, so...I am not continuing my 365 Project. I know, I know, I promised I wouldn't quit, and I said I hadn't given up. I am still going forward with my blog, I'm just going to expand to covering more things about my life. I was thinking about centering it more around fashion. Maybe. It's still in the works.
My reasons for this change are the recent happenings which have gotten in the way of my blogging. Most of them are over with now. Due to emotional difficulties, I needed to take a break from the internet in general and just wallow. After two days of Project Runway reruns and hot glue gun burns, I am back and ready to take on my newest plan. Thank you again to everyone who follows me, I'm sorry if I have let you down, just keep reading! I have big changes in mind for this blog.


  1. Awe I'm so sad!!! You were giving me motivation to commit to a similar en devour.

    Maybe instead of giving up you could simplify into a one a week? I was thinking about doing that myself considering there's no way I could finish a "one a day" I got a four year old who doesn't always wants to try what I'm doing, sometimes it gets down right dangerous.

    If anything I hope you keep to blogging about whatever. I have a whole lot of love for anyone who crafts a majority out of whatever's lying around the house.

    1. Thank you so much for commenting! That's a really good idea, and that's what I'm going to aim for. I don't want to stop blogging or DIY-ing, because both of those are things I really love to do.

  2. Me too, I come up with all these crazy ideas that I want to do and end up getting sidetracked by new ideas, I always feel so bad because I blog about all my ideas that I end up never getting around to and I don't know if anyone reads them, and starts looking forward to them. And I never get around to it, not to mention my ever growing list of how-to's to that I need to get around to writing. Guilt.

    Quite honestly, I really need to get some DIY goals to stick to 'em. That's my main motivation in doing a once a week thing.
