Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day Eleven: Nicole Miller inspired bracelet

I saw an ad for bracelets rapped in fabric, and they were 3 for $25. I laughed out loud, because I've been making ribbon wrapped bangles for months. After seeing them, I used some old fabric to wrap an old bangle bracelet that I had. I think it looks really cute. I've been trying to get into duplicating designer looks. This is my second so far. I think it looks pretty snazzy. :)
I turned in that huge essay today. I hope that I get a good grade on it, especially after all the work and hours I put into it. Wish me luck!

Alright, so I figure this is self-explanatory, but it feels like a tradition with these posts. Start out with a long piece of fabric, it doesn't matter how wide it is. If it's about half a yard or so, it'll work.
Wrap the fabric tightly around the bangle until it meets itself.
Tie excess into a bow.
Secure bow with thread or glue.

Viola! Done.

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